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Case-sensitivity in queries

By default, some Cloudant operations are case sensitive - the query parameter must match the value in the document exactly for it to be included in search results - but if you need a case insensitive query then there are number of solutions.


Photo by Amador Loureiro on Unsplash

Let’s see how each of the Cloudant query mechanisms handle case sensitivity with a database of cars whose documents look like this which we need to query by the “model” attribute:

  "_id": "15c08063d9b1f382e2b865f50216e350",
  "_rev": "1-9ae2a466f4fab57060a3080ed006809f",
  "year": 1987,
  "make": "Buick",
  "model": "Skylark"


If we create a MapReduce index with a map function that looks like this:

function(doc) {
  emit(doc.model, null)

We can expected to be able to retrieve documents by the indexed key: model with a query like so:

GET /cars/_design/mydesigndoc/_view/bymodel?key="Skylark"

but the index will be case sensitive and only queries supplying the original case will match. So a supplied key of skylark (lowercase ‘S’) would yield no results.

To make a MapReduce index case insensitive, the index data should be coerced to be lowercase and all queries treated the same way. So our map function becomes:

function(doc) {
  emit(doc.model.toLowerCase(), null)

and our query:

GET /cars/_design/mydesigndoc/_view/bymodel?key="skylark"

As long as we remember to lowercase the key at query-time, we have a case-insensitive MapReduce index.

Cloudant Search is a different beast because it is built for free-text matching, and its default behaviour is to build case-insensitive indexes. So if we build our index with a map function:

function(doc) {
  index('model', doc.model)

and query it with

# lowercase
GET /cars/_design/mydesigndoc/_search/modelsearch?q=model%3Askylark


# uppercase
GET /cars/_design/mydesigndoc/_search/modelsearch?q=model%3ASkylark

we should get the same results.

The way Cloudant Search behaves with supplied text depends on the analyzer used to pre-process and split the string into indexable tokens. The default Cloudant Search analyzer is the standard analyzer which removes punctuation, splits strings into words, removes stop words and lowercases everything prior to indexing. Other analyzers are available which pre-process the data in different ways. If you need a case sensitive Cloudant Search, then you can opt to use the whitespace analyzer instead.

Cloudant Query🔗

Cloudant Query - type=json🔗

We can create an a Cloudant Query index on the model field with the POST /cars/_index endpoint:

POST /cars/_index

and query it with the POST /cars/_find endpoint:

POST /cars/_find

The type: json indexes are case sensitive (which isn’t surprising as they are backed by MapReduce technology under-the-hood)

Cloudant Query - type=text🔗

The type: text are built for free-text searching because they are backed by the same Lucene-based indexed used by Cloudant Search. So creating a index with:

POST $URL/cars/_index

allows a query

POST /cars/_find

to be case-insenstive (notice the use of the $text operator to indicate we want to engage free-text comparison of the supplied string with the indexed data).

If, however, you query with the “equality” operator $eq, a case sensitive match will be performed:

POST /cars/_find

Note: if you need to change the analyzer used by in type: text Cloudant Query index, then this is possible at index-time.

How not to do it - Regular Expressions🔗

It is possible to get a case-insensitive result out of Cloudant Query, without employing a type: text index by using the $regex operator and constructing a suitable regular expression. This is not the recommended approach because Cloudant cannot optimise the query, even if the searchable field is indexed. Each document in the database would have to be examined in turn to see it matched the provided regular expression. This process becomes very inefficient as the size of the data set increases and leads to very slow performance.