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The beginsWith Operator

Cloudant Query implements a declarative query language, where a number of operators can be combined to form complex queries which return a subset of documents in the database.

the adventure begins mug

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

In this blog post we’ll explore a technique that creates an index on a composite key and uses the new $beginsWith operator to extract slices of the keyspace.

The problem🔗

Let’s say we have an e-commerce shop with a hierarchy of categories, each containing one or more subcategories. At the bottom of the category hierarchy are the products themselves, with each product belonging to one category. The customers navigate through the category heirarchy to find the products.

Here are some sample documents:

  "_id": "prod_abc123",
  "type": "product",
  "name": "Roland Jazz Chorus JC-40",
  "price": 599.99,
  "weight": 25,
  "category": "Amplifiers#Stereo#Solid State"

  "_id": "prod_abc456",
  "type": "product",
  "name": "Fender Princeton",
  "price": 899.99,
  "weight": 32,
  "category": "Amplifiers#Mono#Tube"

  "_id": "prod_abc789",
  "type": "product",
  "name": "Fender Telecaster",
  "price": 999.99,
  "weight": 4,
  "category": "Guitars#Electrics#Solid Body"

  "_id": "prod_abc2000",
  "type": "product",
  "name": "Martin D42",
  "price": 4999.99,
  "weight": 3,
  "category": "Guitars#Acoustics#Dreadnoughts"

Notice that the category field contains the hierarchy of categories, using the # character to delineate the levels of the hierarchy

    Solid State
    Solid State
    Solid Body
    Hollow Body

Creating an index🔗

We can create a Cloudant Query index on this category field:

POST /products/_index HTTP/1.1
  "index": {
    "fields": ["category"]
  "name" : "category-index",
  "type" : "json"

We can now use this index to extract slices of the category hierarchy.

Querying using $beginsWith🔗

We query by POSTing a an object containing a selector object to /<db_name>/_find

POST /products/_find
  "selector": {
     "category": {
       "$beginsWith": "Guitars#Acoustics#"

This will return any document whose category attributes starts with the string “Guitars#Acoustics#” i.e. any category below the one supplied. As the index built on the category field is in alphabetical order, our $beginsWith operator works very efficiently, extracting rows from the index that share the same prefix.

We could explore any part of hierarchy with different query values

  • Guitars# - all guitars
  • Guitars#Electrics# - all electric guitars
  • Amplifiers# - all amplifiers
  • Amplifiers#Stereo - all stereo amplifiers
  • Amplifiers#Stereo#Solid State - all solid-state stereo amplifiers

Sorting by price🔗

If we want our category data to be presented in cheapest-first order then we can add the product price to our indexed string, being careful to pad the prices so that they are the same length:


  "_id": "prod_abc123",
  "type": "product",
  "name": "Roland Jazz Chorus JC-40",
  "price": 599.99,
  "weight": 25,
  "category": "Amplifiers#Stereo#Solid State#00599"

We append the padded price (ignoring the figures after the decimal point) to the category.

Then when we ask for a query such as

  "selector": {
    "$beginsWith": "Amplifiers#Stereo#Solid State#"

although we don’t explicitly ask for it, the results will be returned in price order.

Note: when asking for higher level categories, e.g. Guitars# the results will be presented grouped by sub-category and then price.