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Partitioned Databases and Node.js

The Cloudant database has four supported client libraries: Node.js, Java, Goand Python. In this post, we’ll see examples on how the Node.js library can be used with the new Partition Databases feature.

Here’s a table of all the functions we’ll be using:

Operation Raw API Call Node.js function call
Create database PUT /db?partitioned=true client.putDatabase
Add document POST /db client.postDocument
Get document GET /db/<id> client.getDocument
Get info GET /db/<partition_key> client.getPartitionInformation
Get all docs POST /db/<partition_key>/_all_docs client.postPartitionAllDocs
Create Cloudant Query (CQ) Index POST /db/_index client.postIndex
Query CQ Index POST /db/<partition_key>/_find client.postPartitionFind
Create Cloudant Search (CS) Index PUT /db/<design_doc_name> client.putDesignDocument
Query CS Index POST /db/<partition_key>/_design/<ddoc>/_search/<search_name> client.postPartitionSearch
Create MapReduce (MR) Index PUT /db/<design_doc_name> client.putDesignDocument
Query MR Index POST /db/<partition_key>/_design/<ddoc>/_view/<view_name> client.postPartitionView

Let’s set up our Cloudant credentials in environment variables:

# the URL of the Cloudant service
export CLOUDANT_URL=''
# the IAM API key
export CLOUDANT_APIKEY='myapikey'

All of the following code snippets sit in the main function in the code below:

const { CloudantV1 } = require('@ibm-cloud/cloudant')
const client = CloudantV1.newInstance()

const main = async () => {
  // code snippet goes here


Remember to replace the Cloudant credentials with your own.


Photo by Amelie Ohlrogge on Unsplash

Create database🔗

To create a partitioned database, simply add the { partitioned: true } object as the second parameter to create:

await client.putDatabase({
  db: 'mypartitioneddb',
  partitioned: true
// { ok: true }

Insert data into a partition🔗

No special functions are required to add data, just remember to supply a two part _id field - <partition_key>:<document_key>:

// document to add - notice the two-part _id
const doc = { _id: 'canidae:dog', name: 'Dog', latin: 'Canis lupus familiaris' }

// insert the document
await client.putDocument({
  db: 'mypartitioneddb',
  document: doc
// { "ok": true, "id": "canidae:dog", "rev": "1-3a4c4c5d65709bcb3ec675ec895d4051" }

Fetch document by _id from a partition🔗

Again, no special functions required here. Just use getDocument to pull back a single document by its _id:

// fetch a document by its id
await client.getDocument({
  db: 'mypartitioneddb',
  docId: 'canidae:dog'
// { _id: 'canidae:dog', _rev: '1-3a4c4c5d65709bcb3ec675ec895d4051', name: 'Dog', latin: 'Canis lupus familiaris' }

Get Partition Info🔗

To fetch the information about a single partition, use the partitionInfo function and pass a partition key:

// get partition information from the 'canidae' partition
await client.getPartitionInformation({
  db: 'mypartitioneddb',
  partitionKey: 'canidae'
// {"db_name":"myhost-bluemix/mypartitioneddb","sizes":{"active":392,"external":332},"partition":"canidae","doc_count":4,"doc_del_count":0}

Get all documents from a partition🔗

To fetch all of the documents from a partition, use the partitionedList function:

// fetch all documents in the 'canidae' partition, returning document bodies too.
await client.postPartitionAllDocs({
  db: 'mypartitioneddb',
  partitionKey: 'canidae', 
  includeDocs: true
// { "total_rows": 4, "offset": 0, "rows": [ ... ] }

Partitioned Cloudant Query🔗

Create a partitioned index🔗

To create an index that is partitioned, ensure that the partitioned: true field is set when calling the postIndex function, to instruct Cloudant to create a partitioned query, instead of a global one:

// index definition
const indexDef = {
  fields: ['name']
// instruct Cloudant to create the index
await client.postIndex({
  db: 'mypartitioneddb',
  ddoc: 'mydesigndoc',
  name: 'byName',
  type: 'json',
  index: indexDef,
  partitioned: true
// { result: 'created', id: '_design/mydesigndoc', name: 'byName' }

Find within a partition🔗

To perform a Cloudant Query in a single partition, use the partitionedFind (or partitionedFindAsStream) function:

// find document whose name is 'wolf' in the 'canidae' partition
await client.postPartitionFind({
  db: 'mypartitioneddb',
  partitionKey: 'canidae',
  selector: { 'name': 'Wolf' }
// { "docs": [ ... ], "bookmark": "..." }  

Create a partitioned search index🔗

To create Cloudant Search index that is partitioned, write a Design Document to the database containing the index definition. Use options.partitioned = true to specify that this is a partitioned index:

// the search definition
const func = function(doc) {
  index('latin', doc.latin)

// the design document containing the search definition function
const ddoc = {
  indexes: {
    searchindex: {
      index: func.toString()
  options: {
    partitioned: true
await client.putDesignDocument({
  db: 'mypartitioneddb',
  designDocument: ddoc,
  ddoc: 'searchddoc'
// { ok: true, id: '_design/searchddoc', rev: '1-e7257e575d666ca062b4fe0bdeb6fba1' }

Search within a partition🔗

To perform a Cloudant Search against a pre-existing Cloudant search index, use the partitionedSearch function:

await client.postPartitionSearch({
  db: 'mypartitioneddb',
  partitionKey: 'canidae',
  ddoc: 'searchddoc',
  index: 'searchindex',
  query: 'name:\'Wolf\''
// { total_rows: ... , bookmark: ..., rows: [ ...] }

MapReduce Views🔗

Creating a partitioned MapReduce view🔗

To create a MapReduce view, ensure the options.partitioned flag is set to true to indicate to Cloudant that this is a partitioned rather than a global view:

const func = function(doc) {
  emit(, doc.weight)

// Design Document
const ddoc = {
  views: {
    familyweight: {
      map: func.toString(),
      reduce: '_sum'
  options: {
    partitioned: true

// create design document
await client.putDesignDocument({
  db: 'mypartitioneddb',
  designDocument: ddoc,
  ddoc: 'viewddoc'
// { ok: true, id: '_design/viewddoc', rev: '1-a062b4fe0bdeb6fbe7257e575d666ca1' }

Querying a partitioned MapReduce view🔗

To direct a query to a pre-existing partitioned MapReduce view, use the partitionedView (or partitionedViewAsStream) function:

const params = {}
await client.postPartitionView({
  db: 'mypartitioneddb',
  ddoc: 'viewddoc',
  includeDocs: true,
  limit: 10,
  partitionKey: 'canidae',
  view: 'familyweight'
// { rows: [ { key: ... , value: [Object] } ] }

Global indexes🔗

A partitioned database may still have global Cloudant Query, Cloudant Search and MapReduce indexes. Create the indexes as normal but be sure to supply false as the partitioned flag, to indicate you need a global index. Then query your index as normal using client.postFind, client.postSearch or client.postView.