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Optimal Cloudant Indexing

Traditionally, this is taught at Cloudant data modelling class:

  • Design JSON representations of the objects that exist in your application - products, users, orders etc.
  • If necessary, create multiple document “types” in the same database - use a field in the document to differentiate one from the other e.g. "type": "product", "type": "user" etc
  • Build indexes on the fields which you are going to query against e.g. if I am going to search products by category in product name order, I’m going to need an index on category & name. If I’m going to query my users by their email address, I’m going to need an index on email.
  • Build app.
  • Profit.

This is a perfectly valid approach: different document types can co-exist in the same database in Cloudant and we can define a handful of easily identifiable indexes per document type to service the access patterns our application needs.

The downside is that we may have many indexes, let’s say three indexes per document type or nine in total - one for each use-case. The more indexes your database has, the more computation, IO and disk space will be consumed creating and updating them.

To make an index apply to only one of our document types in a scenario where many document types co-exist in the same database, we will have to setup a partial_filter_selector in the index definition - Cloudant churns through each document in the collection for each index definition and applies the partial filter selector to see if it qualifies to be recorded in each index. It works, but it’s an extra level of complication and to build an index on products, Cloudant would also have to churn through (and ignore) all of the users and orders in the same database.

Photo by Edgar Chaparro on Unsplash

Is there a way to manage with fewer indexes and without a partial filter selector? There is - read on.

General purpose indexes🔗

In our data design process we’re going to include a handful of additional fields in our product document that are explicitly indexed fields:

  "_id": "998877",
  "type": "product",
  "mpn": "25888529952",
  "category": "Celebration cakes",
  "name": "Chocolate Cake 400g (Serves 6)",
  "keywords": ["chocolate","cake","sophies", "birthday", "occasion", "walnut"],
  "brand": "Sophies's Snacks",
  "cost": 3.50,
  "vat_rate": 0.20,
  "vat": 0.70,
  "total": 4.20,
  "description": "Chocolate Cake layered with chocolate buttercream and topped with chocolate buttercream and walnuts",
  "fat": 21.9,
  "saturates": 7.6,
  "energy_kj": 176,
  "energy_kcal": 422,
  "i1": "",
  "i2": "",
  "i3": ""

The top-most fields are our normal data fields. The last three i1, i2 and i3 are fields designated to store data that is to be indexed, in the order that data is to be retrieved.

We want to service the following three use-cases on our "type": "product" documents with our indexes:

  1. Retrieve products by category name, ordered by order total, ascending or descending.
  2. Fetch a product by its manufacturer’s part number
  3. Search for products by keywords

So when we store a document we also populate i1, i2 and i3 like so:

  "i1": "category#celebration cakes#4.20",
  "i2": "25888529952",
  "i3": "chocolate cake sophies celebration walnut"
  • i1 stores several strings, delimited by # - the word catgegory, the category name and the product price.
  • i2 stores the manufacturer’s part number as a string.
  • i3 stores the keywords we wish to be searchable for this product.

If we query against one of these three i* fields, we can achieve performant searching and retrieve in the order we intended. We’ll deal with querying later - first let’s look at our user document:

  "_id": "22815e7bb9",
  "type": "user",
  "name": "Bob Harry",
  "email": "",
  "date_joined": "2018-05-25",
  "verified": true,
  "password_hash": "edf944a17a1e0b5b5b9109cdb3486ee6",
  "salt": "a2f67b329fbba8e859d7ea2dd4aa8dce",
  "active": true,
  "i1": "",
  "i2": "",
  "i3": ""

Our use-cases this time are:

  1. Fetch a user by their email address.
  2. Get users in the order that they signed up.
  3. Search for users by their name.

So we populate i1, i2 and i3 like so for users:

  "i1": "",
  "i2": "2018-05-25",
  "i3": "bob harry"
  • i1 stores two strings, delimited by # - the word user, and the user’s email address.
  • i2 stores the user’s sign-up date.
  • i3 stores the keywords we wish to be searchable for this user.

For our order document we are storing:

  "_id": "8866743",
  "type": "order",
  "user_id": "22815e7bb9",
  "date": "2019-05-03",
  "products": [
      "product_id": "998877", 
      "name": "Chocolate Cake 400g (Serves 6)",
      "cost": 3.50,
      "vat": 0.70,
      "total": 4.20
  "total_vat": 0.70,
  "total": 4.20,
  "paid": true,
  "i1": "",
  "i2": "",
  "i3": ""

Our use-cases for orders are:

  1. Fetch all orders for a known user_id ordered by date
  2. All orders, ordered by date
  3. n/a

So we populate i1, i2 and i3 like so:

  "i1": "order#22815e7bb9#2019-05-03",
  "i2": "2018-05-25",
  "i3": ""
  • i1 stores three strings, delimited by # - the word “order”, the order’s user_id and the order date.
  • i2 stores the order date.
  • i3 is a blank string because we don’t need a third index for orders.


This the part where we can make some savings.

Instead of creating many indexes for each document type’s needs, we simply need create an index on each of our i* fields:

POST /mydb/_index HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/json
  "index": {
    "fields": ["i1"]
  "name" : "i1",
  "type" : "json"
POST /mydb/_index HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/json
  "index": {
    "fields": ["i2"]
  "name" : "i2",
  "type" : "json"
POST /mydb/_index HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/json
  "index": {
    "fields": [
      { "name": "type", "type": "string"},
      { "name": "i3", "type": "string"}
  "name" : "i3",
  "type" : "text"

The i1 & i2 indexes are type=json indexes which can be used for selection and range query while preserving the order of the data in the indexed fields. The i3 index is a type=text index because it’s used for free-text searching.

In your application you may need different combinations of “json”/“text” indexes and you may need more than three i fields, or perhaps fewer.


Querying against our i1/i2/i3 indexes is little more opaque compared with composing JSON selector queries against named fields, but it does have a certain purity. We have to know which i field to use to answer a use-case and the form of the data we stored in that field. I like to keep a table that relates the index to the object type, and explains the form of data stored:

i1 i2 i3
product category#<category name>#<total> <mpn> <keywords>
user user#<email> <date_joined> <name>
order order#<user_id>#<date> <date> n/a

Let’s take a couple of examples.

Retrieve products by category ordered by price, ascending🔗

If we know our category is “Celebration Cakes” our query would be

  "selector": {
     "i1": {
       "$gt": "category#celebration cakes#"
       "$lt": "category#celebration cakes#z"

which performs a range query on the i1 field to retrieve documents which have values of i1 in that range. As the product documents store data in i1 in this form:

"category#celebration cakes#4.20"

we can be assured that data will come out in price order. To get reverse price order, we simply add "sort": [ {"i1": "desc"} ] to the query.

Search for users by their name🔗

If we want to search for the user “Liz Oakwell” we would perform the query:

  "selector": {
     "type": "user",
     "i3": "Liz Oakwell"


By creating additional fields to store content that is to be indexed, your app can:

  • Write the fields to be indexed as discrete fields in a form separate from the main data.
  • Ensure that the form of the data stored in the indexed fields is consistent with your querying needs (e.g case insensitive/insensitive match) and in the sort order your application requires.
  • Use fewer indexes, especially when storing multiple document types in the same database as all data types can share the same indexed fields. In this example, eight access patterns are achieved with three indexes. Creating fewer indexes places less indexing load on Cloudant and uses smaller amount of disk space.

Downsides? Querying is little less obvious at first and there is some repetition of data within the source objects.